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January 3, 2025 - This is it. The website is back in production. I'm sorry it's taken so long but here we go. My last task was getting the Resisty Database fully built. I'm going to do that first but I think after that the best place to start would be the character bios page.

I've been looking through the files of the original website and there are quite a few problems. It seems that website was also very unfinished at the time of it's demise. There are pages with "under renovation" notices. Particularly the screenshots database. I will do my best to implement my own screenshots section and even make it so you can submit them to me.

I will attempt to stitch back together the remains of the original website and I will make it a feature to be displayed here on this website, purely for nostalgic and preservation reasons.

There is also a lot of new information that has been added to the lore and whatnot since the original website. What with the comics and the movie and stuff. So I will also have to keep up with that. I may need help.

February 27, 2016 - Finishing the Resisty Database is my goal right now. The Resisty Members page is being copleted right now. If you have ANY new information to bring to light that I am missing (I am using all information from the old site) please let me know.

I'm sorry it's taking so long to get this site built. But I am having a hard time finding time. I've been requesting help with the site and so far I am still the only person working on it. I've gotten a couple donations but that really only helps with the hosting. It doesn't get it built any faster. I, your humble admin go to college to improve my website building skills to do it for a living. That on top of family things takes up almost all my time.

January 3, 2016 - Happy New Year people! I am happy to announce new parts of the site are open for business. Right now the Resisty Detabase is getting built and some sections of it are already complete. The FAQ part of the site is done. But if you keep asking questions, well, it will be longer. Also you may want to check out Canceled Episodes. Be on the look out for the Alien Guide soon to come!

We have gotten a donation! We got a donation for a dollar today (which comes to 67 cents when you factor in Paypal fees. But that's still great!). I won't say who it's from because he didn't say if he wanted me to or not.

Since I'm talking about donation, I guess it's time I talked about the domain. I'm still talking it over with our Soapy Waffles associate but I'm not really sure if "" will be available as a domain. We may have to settle for "" without "the". I hope that's not a problem for anyone. Anyway, things are coming together regardless. And that's great! Keep the help coming! Thanks so much!

December 31, 2015 - Canceled Episodes page complete! Go there and check out transcripts for unfinished episodes! Some episodes even have downloadable audio tracks of the voice acting of those episodes.

Also check out the Other Fan Pages link! Some cool stuff there! Wooo!

December 30, 2015 - The search for people to help with the site is going well. Adding content is going to take some time so what I'm going to do first is add pages for the other sites. Look on Zim Resources soon for good stuff!

Zim News

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years you know that there was an Invader Zim movie made in 2019. The title is Invader Zim: ENTER THE FLORPUS! It's more of the lovable alien that we've come to tolerate. You can still view this movie on the Netflix on your computer machines and flat glassy lickable devices.

There are also comics! It's the next best thing to the show! So at least we at least have SOME new Zim to look forward to. They still release new ones from time to time. The comic series has been going for a little while. They've got quite a few issues out now.

You can look at them all for free right heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!